So! On Friday the 11th of January, 2008, me and Charlie set off for Paris! It was £135 altogether for 3 nights stay in a 3 star b & b including Eurostar travel. Pretty hardcore.
On the first day we slept for 5 hours when we arrived, because out train left at 5.25 in the morning. My Dad was supposed to be giving us a lift to St.Pancras but his car broke down half way, so we had to get a taxi. In the evening we explored the area and went for a meal.
The next day we went to the Lourve! It was so much fun, but the mona lisa was crap, I have to say. All around the lourve they had soldiers with machine guns, it was pretty hardcore.
On Sunday we went to the Champs Elysse, which is basically a mix of Oxford Street and Sloane Street, the Eiffel tower and the arc du triomphe. Charlie went up the Eiffel without me, and I kept getting harassed by Gypsies. He was gone a whole hour, haha!
On our last day we went to Notre Dame, back to the Champs and visited the Eiffel tower at night. Here are some photossss!
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