I have just seen Claudio's photo and all I can say is PHWOARRRRR!!!!!
*ahem* need to recover after that photo hahaha
OKAY SO I DECIDED that although MY ONE FRIEND AT UNI, Tom, is great, I needed to branch out and visit my uni's nightclub 'the fez'. It is only a ten minute walk from Phoebe's house, so she kindly said I could stay over. She was down on the guestlist, but Mark Farthing and Charlie weren't so there was no way they were getting in.
Beforehand we went to trust spoons, drank some drinks...I got a bit tipsy. Tom (aka Bob) joined us and we decided to go to Metro at Tottenham Court road instead...sadly on the way there I needed to piss so badly I made Charlie get off and gatecrash a closing restaurant with me.
OKAY I am not explaning this very well, basically : Me, Tom (Bob), Charlie and Phoebe headed to METRO, an indie nightclub in the heart of London. The night was themed 'I bet you look good on the dancefloor' so there were a lot of people there on the pull and a lot of posing people. A lot of damn attractive women and very cute indie boys. By this time it was 1am so I was very tired, but Phoebe insisted on staying because she was drunk :p ... so we ended up staying until 3am. After we all headed to subway, I didn't want anything but Phoebe did. She started chatting up a Spanish rocker infront of us, and he bought her 12inch subway for her! She then started chatting up a burger dude who was from Slovakia and was in a band, which he invited us to go see.
HOWEVER, disaster struck when we all run for our bus BUT the bus driver took one look at me and Phoebe and said 'THIS IS NOT A RESTURANT' and refused to let us on the bus. I looked at him and was like 'it isn't illegal to eat on a bus, it doesn't say it anywhere, let us on, come on it's snowing and 4am! PLEASE!' but he simple repeated 'THIS IS NOT A RESTURANT' and nearly murdered Charlie as one of his feet was on the bus and one off, and he started driving off. Charlie refused to get off so the driver pressed the panic button, so we hastily gave up.
I was so happy it was snowing, I was like YAYYYY...it did take me and Phoebe 40 minutes to walk home in it though. We got home at 5.30 and I got up ay 8.30 for uni the next day. Which I was late for.
VANESSA: If you think I don't wear make up anymore :p...take a look at these photos...MAKE UP OVER LOAD! Aww ye I was just thinking about this valentines day, how things were different! You left and me Claudio and Juan went bowling, Juan throwing his bowling ball in the air and nearly smashing a screen. I remember this was one of the happiest days of my life. If only things were so nice and innocent like that now :(...if only you were in England! Hehe okay enough with this emotion...PHOTO TIME!...

Haha hello make up!...
me and Phoebe dancing, what an awful sight...

us all looking awful in the snow
1 comment:
I know right!! haha he's well fit!!
That picture of charlie and you at the leavers ball is SOO NICE!~
its such a wedding photo type thing!
And i see what u tried to do with miscrosoft paint to that picture hahaha
aw im jealous you keep going out drinking!! rawrrr!!
mAYBE i should send makeup to you. ahahhaa
Like.. no eyeshadow?!
okok!! happy chinese new year ;p
love youu!!
vanessa x
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