A poor man who thought I was taking a photo of him when all I really wanted to do was get the decorations. The stupid policemen kept telling everyone to move to the next left turning so we could get in to china town, but it was impossible.
well anyway, the place was crazy and busy and I couldn't see anything and people kept throwing stupid firecracker things and it scared me so in the end we just ended up eating in T.G.I Fridays and getting the bus the whole way back to Kingston. It was kinda a wasted journey but ah well :p
Today I received my letter from Vanessa! I HAVE NOTED that she said I never talk about uni, so I have decided to tell you about the people in my class. Due to the wonders of face book, and the fact I am a stalker, I will supply you with a lot of photos of the people I'm talking about. Woohoo.
SO my first friend was Andres, who sits in front of me. He's Spanish, lives in Shepard's bush and is quite shy I think. He sits next to Lee who always makes you feel good because he laughs when you're trying to be funny :p
The first person who attempted to sit next to me is Sarah. I later found out that she lives with Khema and they are best friends, so that was a big coincidence. Here is Sarah with Khema:

My actual REAL friend is called Tom. We bonded over the fact we both live near Morden, so we get the bus to uni when we go in and generally just hang out. He's a really nice person and quite funny too, though his friends are like emo/rockers so they scare me.

Next up is Hayley. She worries me because for unknown reasons she is center of attention in class. I think she just aims to please sorta thing, she always knows all the answers. I used to think she was really pretty but then I was like she looks a bit like a Gofer, and I felt mean about it :p Tom well fancies her, and he commented upon the fact that she wore a pink bra with a white shirt, which I think we can all agree is never a good look. This is Hayley on the right.

EMILY sits across the other side of the class to me, so I've never spoken to her in real life. However, I have noted that she likes the nightmare before christmas and she owns the same pair of underwear that I do. Thats what low trousers will do for ya :p ... Tom also thinks she's 'buff' but that she acts like she has a stick up her arse, which is lovely.

SO YES, as I have decided I will probably be arrested for putting up these photos without asking permission, I better stop now. Hehe bye bye!
p.s VANESSA, Juan has been harassing me your phone number but I don't have it!