Last night I went to a gig at Koko in Camden, which is quite a famous venue. The band playing were called good shoes and they are from where I live in Morden :D so I thought I'd go share the Morden Love because most people havn't even heard of the place...I'm greatful to them for putting Morden on the map ;)
I met Charlie, Ant D and Yolande in Wimbledon at 7.30. The gig didn't start until 9 so we thought we could quickly go to spoons and get a few cheap drinks. The bouncer took one look at us and said 'no trainers'. What an outrage! Since when has spoons cared what you wear? We shuffled away towards south Wimbledon to get the northern line to Camden
That's me, Charlie and Ant D. When we arrived at Camden we decided to go in to the worlds end pub. It played really heavy metal and I swear everyone was stoned in there. In the looks three scary goth girls started talking to me, I was like 'arghhh don't kill me'.
We walked along the high street and the cue Ant D finished off some girls larger. Welcome to herpes Ant ;D and he touted his two spare tickets. Low and behold, when we reached the bar shots were only one pound!!! Goooood times ;D I think I had 5 in all, with one blue WK which was niiiiiceeee.
So we hung out a bit, Laura joined us with her friend Claire but she soon left to have sex. There was a huge screen which you could text messages to. Laura sent in this message :
By now it was 11.30 and the start up band still hadn't come on. It didn't matter as they were playing funky music, though, so we boogied on down a little bit. Laura and Ant were drunk. I was slightly tipsy ;D...finally about 12.30 Good Shoes came on! They sung about MORDEN which was great! Some girl next to me took some poppers so I gave her an evil look then SUDDENLY a fight broke out! It was insane! I was quite scared. Some girl was being tossed around.
It finished about 2.30 and outside the people started fighting again and one of the guys got a bottle and was going to smash it over this guys head but luckily it fell to the ground. We left before anyone got murdered but we had to literally run to Yolande's parents car because they were going to leave us. Laura was extremly drunk by this point and kept swearing much to the dismay of Yolande's parents. It was nice to a get a lift home to the doorstep.
Well that's all for nowwww...;D
Rosie darling!
HAHAHHA your blog entry made me laugh my bottom off! Very funny!
Keep blogging yea!
- sha
hello my bean!
AW you and Chuckle berries look so nice together!!
Why dont i know these people!!!
Vanessa xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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