Sooooo...Friday was mine and Charlie's two year anniversary.
We were meant to stay in a really nice hotel in Waterloo but both of us were kind of ill, haha, so he cryptically text me saying for us to meet at 3 in South Wimbledon.
I got him a Mr.Happy t-shirt, an ipod shuffle (I put songs which reminded me of him on there) and made him a book with photos and lyrics and stuff.
We went to Leicster Square and swapped pressies, he got me gossip girl series 1 (yay) haha and he gave me the book of Wicked and inside were tickets to see the play that night! I kind of knew he'd got me tickets because he was really indiscreet bless him hahaha, or maybe I'm just a really good detective ;D...
but anyway we went to a Mexican resturant called Chiquito's and I got kind of tipsy on a strawberry daqori (it was soooo strong) and then we went to the Trochadero and bought sweets for the play and wasted loads of money on games :p
After that we headed to the theatre and play was so good! I loved it up hahaha, if anyone ever felt like they were different or just like an outsider than you'll definatley love it up. Though you have to be open to the idea of witches hahahaha.
So ye it was good times! :) Wooo!
Hehe ye below is a video of us on the way to Leicster Square haha! I cut my fringe myself that morning so yeah hahaha.