The start of this month was really HOT.
Now it's bloody cold.
So I met Juan and Sophie and we went for a picnic at my uni. Fun times! Me and Juan had an argument, but that's normal.
So! Liverpool! Everyone was really friendly and we stayed in a really pretty hotel. There was a year 11 prom thing going in inside and it reminded me of ours, but everyone was a lot of a lot more fashionable I have to say. We went for some crappy chinese buffet thing that was disgusting haha and did a loooot of shopping. I bought a cute dressss and a top which can be seen in the photo of me with the pink cardigan. Some guy in a lift asked me and my mum where we were from (they were Welsh, possible from Cardiff) and when we said London they said 'Not cocknies! We'd rather be stuck in the lift with...' then said something quite rude which will not be repeated haha, they were such jerks. There was a really cool resturant that was sort of desgined like a circus called circo but we didn't eat in there, just took photos, haha. The way back was insane, we had to go from Liverpool to Birmingham, then on to northampton by coach then another train to Euston then the northern line to homeeee!
Last night me, Harold and Katie went to this resturant on the kings road in which you could sit on tables that were near the roof. I got slight veritgo but it was fun. My meal was really salty but harold and katies were disgusting- I guess Harolds was nice if you like seafood. The owner was really friendly and recognised Harold from paperhcase. He also tried to nick my oyster card holder which is for breast cancer but I said no haha then felt bad because he said he was collecting them.
After we went for some cocktails and Katie met John and Ant D in Wimbledon but I didn't join them!