Katy is 17, blonde (though she dyed her hair brown) and amazingly pretty. Her best friend is a girl called Cara, who coincidently turns out to be the cousin of a guy I used to fancy called Matthew Cox. Me and Vanessa saw him play a gig in Leicester Square once.
So I was like ye sure I'll go bowling, woo. However, it turned out they were going all the way to bloody Heathrow, which is about 1 hour and 15 minutes from Kingston, but 2 hours and 15 minutes from my house. I met Charlie in Kingston and off we went, passing through the mean streets of Harrow which I'm sure we can all agree is lovely :p
We turned up and immediately I felt under dressed. I was wearing a blue cardigan and jeans but Katy was wearing a dress and those weirdo furry boots girls wear, Cara was wearing a black dress and skinny jean type leggings and Vicky was wearing shorts with fishnet tights. They all hugged me in welcome and asked how old I was (I think they thought I was younger than they were) and much to my dismay they were joined by a group of chavs who they had met at the place. And they were all drinking (illegally as they're all underage :p).
All the guys were trying to get in there with Katy basically, until a bunch of them left as Simon was the one who 'got in there'.
At the bar, ( I thought I needed a few stiff drinks to get through the night ), Katy came up to us and asked us to look after a student who lived with her for the week. She had tagged along and was standing in the corner like a lemon, so I agreed to look after her. She was was originally born in Milan, moved to Rome then to the Netherlands so she could speak Italian, Dutch and English. She came to England to brush up on her communication skills. She was a secretary, 20 and you could clearly see she disappr
On Wednesday I went to Warren Street to visit Soph. Apparently she had been struggling on her course (Scandanavian Studies) and hadn't been to a lecture in two weeks so I went to see if she was okay. I arrived at Warren Street and was greeted by Richard who told me that Sophie was held up as she had to see our History teacher about her grade, so we went to a cafe around the corner called 'Coco Verde' and had some Brazilian drink. Sophie later told me he wanted to 'take me back to his' but she was so disturbed by the flirtatious undertones in it that she refused to let him :p hahaha.
We spoke about stuff, I told him about Juan, he told me he thought Soph hated him. He also hates his course, which is Icelandic studies, but what ya gonna do :p
Sophie turned up and we went to a Chinese buffet ( 5 pound 10p as much as you can eat with a soft drink) and we just spoke about stuff in general. I kind of struggled for things to say. We went to the cinema to see Becoming Jane (2 for 1 Orange wednesday!) and I cried :( hahaha. I'd already seen it but I saw it again and it was just as heartbreaking. I'll explain what its about:
Basically it's about Jane Austin's love life and how she based her book pride and prejudice on it, except the ending is how she wanted her love life to be and not what actually happened. She has a very poor family and they want her to marry this rich guy, but she's in love with this poor man who gets a monthly allowance from his uncle which he uses to support his family back in Ireland. He asks his uncle if he can wed Jane, but he refuses so him and Jane never marry. At the end after like 30 or 40 years Jane sees his again and he has named his eldest daughter after her.
It may not sound that sad but it really is because she never married because she always loved him with all her heart and no one else would do. Aww welling up just thinking about it :p